
Treatwell: Time for Treatwell

Talisker: Wilderness Bar

Treatwell: Time for Treatwell – 2017

Treatwell needed to increase the user frequency of their tech platform, so we reminded people why it was great.

The Brief:

Treatwell’s repeat bookings were below target; their audience were using them as an introductory service and after finding their preferred salon, forgot the advantages of the app.

To help them solve this we wanted to remind 25-34 year old women that Treatwell added value to their lives by allowing them to book treatments quickly and simply, no matter what the emergency.


Our culturally relevant spots showcased the exact moment you might need Treatwell, in a language our audience understood.

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We targeted these moments with strategically placed paid media across digital platforms.


The format allowed us to roll the concept out across European markets with ease.

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  • The format was rolled out over 6 months across multiple channels

  • Wrote 9 stories that spoke to cultural moments which spoke to 4 calendar moments in the year

  • Rolled out in 12 languages across Europe

  • The campaign went out across multiple platforms

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